SCIF Global Products

While we do design SCIF container units and modules, we also create panelized modular buildings, fire suppression systems, TEMPEST products, and intrusion detection systems.

SCIF Container

SCIF container units and SCIF Global custom containerized SCIFs are a secure facil­ities for processing and protecting your classified information.

Modular SCIF Units

SCIF modular units are relo­cat­able or per­ma­nent SCIF solu­tions built to ICD 705 stan­dards.

Panelized Modular Buildings

SCIF Panelized Offices

SCIF Global Technologies can provide you with a custom prefabricated panelized office or modular building.

TEMPEST Products

SCIF Global Technologies TEMPEST products use the lat­est man­u­fac­tur­ing method­ol­ogy and test­ing equip­ment.

Fire Suppression System

SCIF Global Technologies can provide a smoke detection and fire suppression system.  The fire system can include the use of a Fire Suppression System with Digital Communicator, control panels, smoke detectors, manual release station, abort station and audio/visual devices.

Intrusion Detection System

intrusion main

SCIF Global Technologies can provide prewiring for the customer provided Intrusion Detection System, or we can certainly install the entire system for you. This will include the BMS switch, motion detectors, keypad, and the control unit. 

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We are experienced

We Have Over 30 Years of Experience in The Industry

SCIF Global Technologies’ team of experts are able to fulfill the immediate, critical need for truly secure facilities per the most recent government directives along with your exact specifications.

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(904) 524-0911

Office Location

1225 W. Beaver St., #202
Jacksonville, FL 32204
